If you are a general dentist tired of working too many hours for too little money, if you hate the huge bite PPOs take out of your income, if you know in your heart you could be helping more of your patients achieve optimal health, then this could be the best discovery you’ve ever come across for your practice and your lifestyle.
You’re about to learn
You’re about to learn
- How to dump your worst PPOs without losing all your patients
- Why “Never be your patients’ bank” was some of the worst advice ever
- The truth about the value and accuracy of pulling credit checks on your patients
- How the “Immersion Method” will save you time, and money, while increasing your revenue
- Stephen Covey’s solution to working too hard without achieving desired results
- How to add $250,000/ year in treatment you’re currently overlooking on existing patients
- The “Torch” Pete Dawson asked me to carry and how it will transform your patients’ lives
I realize that reducing your dependence on PPOs by 25%, helping more of your patients say YES to (and pay for) optimal care, adding $250,000 revenue even while working less may sound impossible to you right now… but many of my members are doing exactly that, and I’m going to show you the exact process they’re using to make that happen.